Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix
- Description
This Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix contains a selection of native species of wildflowers specifically chosen to promote biodiversity in Irish ecosystems. Rich with species suited to Irish soils and climates.
Create the ultimate wildflower meadow with this Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix
Native Irish Wildflower Seed, this 20g packet of Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix will cover 13-20 square metres
Native Irish Wildflower Seed, Biodiversity Mix
Wildflower Seeds want a soil which is very low in nutrients so don’t apply any fertiliser before sowing Biodiversity Mix Wildflower Seed Mixture. The best months to sow your Biodiversity Mix seeds are March-April and September October.
Native Irish Wildflower Seed - This mixture contains really easy wildflowers and is thus ideal for beginners.
Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix
- is a medium to tall mixture for any normal dry to moist soil and some species will grow in semi-shaded places especially those enriched with humus or rotted leaves, hence the addition of bluebell and other wood species.
- Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix will grow well in most situations
- Ideally Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix is best planted in a sheltered open or very lightly shaded situation in sun where the birds are given some nearby shrubby cover. You can also plant it in full view of windows for observation.
- Growing any wildflowers in the shade is difficult so results in those spots will be far slower.
- Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix is one of our best mixtures for encouraging Biodiversity and attracting pollinators and birds.
- This mixture is ideal for Gardens, Schools, Farms, Estates and Parks,
- Requires 1 cut per year in spring and NOT at the end of summer
- Birds will visit in summer and winter (if left uncut) to eat the seeds
- As well as being colourful, this mixture is especially designed and blended to provide feed for birtds from wild seed head in autumn and winter to attract over 20 of the more common bird as well as provide seed feed for winter migrant birds, such as Greenfinch, Linnet, Chaffinch, Bullfinch and Goldfinch.
- In summer this mixture will be alive with edible insects for migrant summer visitors such as Warblers. Some of these insects will over winter in the seed heads, further providing protein for winter birds.
- As these Native Irish Wildflowers attract insects, which in turn feed birds such as Blue Tits, Thrushes and Wrens, this Native Irish Wildflower mixture will also help with the biological control of pests in gardens
Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix
- Suits most soils pH.
- Sunny to slightly shaded position
- Contains Cornfield Annuals, Perennials and Biennials .
- Height Range: 40cm - 180cm
- Flowers May to September.
- APPROX Total number of seeds per gram: 980
Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix Species List:
Annual Mayweed, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Black Meddick, Bladder Campion, Bluebell, Burdock, Cat's Ear, Common Sorrel, Common Vetch, Corn Marigold, Corn Poppy, Corn Spurry, Corncockle, Cornflower, Cowslip, Dames Violet, Devil's-bit Scabious, Eyebright, Field Scabious, Flag Iris, Fleabane, Foxglove, Garlic Hedge Mustard, Greater Trefoil, Hedge Garlic Mustard, Hemp Agrimony, Hoary Plantain, Kidney Vetch, Ladies Ann Lace, Lady's Bedstraw, Common Centaury, Lesser Knapweed, Musk Mallow, Marjoram, Meadow Buttercup, Meadowsweet, Mullein, Ox-Eye Daisy, Pineapple Mayweed, Purple Loosestrife, Ragged Robin, Red Bartsia, Red Campion, Red Clover, Ribwort Plantain, Rough Hawksbit, Scented Mayweed, Selfheal, Shepherd's Purse, Smooth Hawksbit, Sorrel, St. Johnswort, Teasel, Vetch Common, Weld, White Campion, Wild Angelica, Wild Carrot, Wild Valerian, Wood Sage, Woundwort, Yarrow, Yellow Agrimony, Yellow Rattle
Pictures are illustrative only and whilst I have made every attempt to ensure that they represent what is in each mixture, they are not definitively accurate as to what is included in each mixture
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Native Irish Wildflower Seed - Biodiversity Mix
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