Native Irish Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mixture
- Description
Create the ultimate low growing wildflower area with this Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mixture
20g packet will cover 13-20 square metres
This Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mixture is ideal for areas where you want wildflowers which will attract bees, butterflies, ladybirds and other beneficial pollianting insects but where height may be an issue such as on a roadside or in a lawn area.
A new wildflower lawn wants a soil which is very low in nutrients so don’t apply any fertiliser before sowing Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mixture. The best months to sow your Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mixture are March-April and September October.
Seed Mix - Whats included in your Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mixture
Birdsfoot Trefoil, Black Meddick, Century, Corn Marigold Corn Poppy, Cornflower, Cowslip, Eyebrigh, Kidney Vetch, Lady's Bedstraw, Meadow Buttercup, Ox-eye Daisy, Red Clover, Ribwort Plantain, Rough Hawksbit, Scented Mayweed, Selfheal, White Bedstraw
Pictures are illustrative only and whilst I have made every attempt to ensure that they represent what is in each mixture, they are not definitively accurate as to what is included in each mixture
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Native Irish Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mixture
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