Collection: Humac Agro Soil Conditioners
A natural soil conditioner with high content of activated humic acids min 62%: (organic carbon) that stimulates soil fertility and stabilizes soil toxicity. It contains all naturally occurring macro, micro, and trace elements and amino acids for plants in a readily accessible form.
- Significantly improves the structure of the soil and increases its porosity, thereby improving the water and air regime of the soil, root system by 30-50%
- Improves nutrient management primarily by increasing the capacity of the soil sorption complex and optimizing soil Ph, but also stimulating root growth and the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil
- To a large extent, it prevents the loss of nutrients from the soil ( it also acts as a nitrification inhibitor) but at the same time, it also creates conditions for their access (important mainly from the point of view of the availability of phosphorus and microelements).
- It binds many hazardous substances in the soil such as heavy metals, pesticide residues, PCB congeners, dioxins, and others into stable complexes, thus significantly limiting their penetration from the soil into plants and thus creating conditions for growing healthier foods
- Comprehensively, it harmonizes the soil environment and improves conditions for plant growth
- It increases the yield and nutritional value of cultivated plants, which together with lower consumption of fertilizers significantly increases the profitability of agricultural production